Wednesday, December 12, 2007


And so it begins....I have joined the masses who feel that there lives are somehow interesting enough to post on-line. Some exaggerate, some tell the truth and some just write for the fun of it. I won't be exaggerating, but I don't know which other category I will fit in.

I am a mum of 2 children - age almost 7 and 8 1/2.

The story I have to tell is of our daughter, the eldest child. She was diagnosed last year with a dairy allergy. The diagnosis came after a biopsy was performed showing scar tissue for internal bleeding from the milk protein!

Yes, I felt like the mum of the year for that one - memories of yelling at her to finish her milk, her yogurt her cheese, etc etc. Hindsight.......

It's not that I think the milk allergy is unique. What is unique were the symptoms --exhuastion and vomiting but no other stomach issues. We figure she was in pain for most of her young life, culminating with a comment, "Mummy, my tummy hurts, but don't worry, it's the normal pain."

OK Then......

A halloween, Christmas, Valentine's and birthday later she has accepted the allergy and recognizes that she is so much better without the dairy protein.

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